

Friday, January 20, 2012

Granny Squares

I have a new project started...

Here is the simple truth I have CAD (crafting attention disorder). I have so many half done projects lying around. It is criminal! I can't help myself, I see something and jump right in. Currently I have 2 blankets in the works, a baby sweater, a kitty doll that only needs 1 leg to be finished. I have a needle point canvas 3/4 of the way done, 2 different sets of half done Christmas ornaments, and the list goes on... Why do I do this? I think I need an intervention... Oh they will all be finished-eventually, just not today!
I blame it on my love for yarn, it is soft, cozy, colorful, soothing, forgiving, and did I mention soft... I prefer knitting, but crocheting comes in a close second. So I meander back and forth between my projects a little here and a little there, hoping nothing else pops into my mind to add to my all ready full basket!
Today I am sure I will pick up, hold, work a few stitches, and stare at the pile of fabric that is sitting in a dinning room chair (I believe I will have to feed it soon).
So here is to a day of fun!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Loafing around...

Yesterday I finally caved and decided to try to make a rustic loaf of crusty bread. The recipe is very simple and can be found here. The process is easy and takes almost no time, however the wait can seem like an eternity. I mixed up the ingredients and let the dough rise for 14 hours! But the wait was worth it. The bread was tasty and I was one happy lady. If you have a dutch oven I highly recommend give this recipe a try. If you are a bread lover this recipe will not let you down.


Ready to Eat

Next time I will go a little lighter on the dusting...

P.S. If you are in need of a good laugh there is a post you need to read over at The Pioneer Woman. I laughed so hard at the end of the post when I envisioned the look I get from the cute guy, because I literally could stand in for her in the post. Enjoy!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Fun

A visit home...
Papa's Smile

Cousins Coloring

Mama Cooking

Sweet Smiles

Little Brother contemplating

Big boys playing Yahtzee

Little boys laughing

Families Gathering
I hope your holidays were filled with love and family. I know mine were!!
